This is Cedar. She's been part of our family since I subconsciously replaced my oldest son Andy with her when he went off to college 7 years ago. Just kidding Andy, you're irreplaceable. She's an "outside" dog and has a dog bed on the porch, in the garage, in the house and in the camper. Her favorite place to be is curled up in front of the fireplace this time of year. So much for claiming she's an "outside" dog. We all argue over who she "likes" best. She "likes" us all for different reasons. Bruce's purpose is to feed her and take her for 4-wheeler rides. Andy and Cedar are hunting buddies and she'll do anything to please him. She adores Prairie because she doesn't get to see her very often and soaks up all the love when she comes home to visit. My purpose is to give her treats and for her to take me on walks. She likes the UPS driver too, she has treats and scratches her ears. Life without this doggy would be lonely, she's a good listener too. Good Dog Cedar.
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