Anniversary Theme Gift |
It's that time of year where you've either created a list and checked it twice, or you haven't given it any thought at all. Giving gifts is not necessarily simple. Gift giving can sometimes feel like a chore that makes it stressful. If you haven't started I suggest you start with a list, figure out your budget and start listening for hints that your gift recipients may already be giving you. Following are a few inspirational ideas to get you started. Am I on your list?
Gift Cards:
This may seem like in impersonal route to take, but many families are cutting down on their entertainment budgets and would love an excuse to go to a movie or out to eat. They are far more likely to use a gift card than to spend their hard earned money.
Gift Receipt
A gift should be something that makes the receiver happy-- something that conveys your feelings for them and not your feelings for yourself. The gift receipt is a way to say "I tried. But if I didn't get it quite right, here is a handy little do-over slip that will keep us on speaking terms."
Theme Gift
Giving a gift that carries a theme is fun. No matter whom you are shopping for, surprise them with a gift that celebrates their passion. Honor whatever they fancy, whether they're a biker or ballerina. The diva in your life may appreciate a gift celebrating her chic style whereas the sports fan would prefer an item personalized specifically for his man cave. (A beer drinker will appreciate a gift as illustrated in my picture above. This was an anniversary gift from my girlfriend Laura. Did you catch the message? HaHa Pictured: O'so; Buck In Rut, Doe In Heat, New Glarus; Totally Naked, BBQ Sauce; KC Butt Sauce)
Subscription Gift
This is like a gift that keeps on giving. Every month when the recipient goes to the mail and see's their favorite magazine, they'll think of you. Better yet, how about a subscription to Bacon of The Month Club. Who doesn't want bacon sent to them each month? Wait... Don't answer that. That's a silly question.
What? If you do it, does it mean you're a cheapskate? I say regifting is okay ... as long as it is new/unused and desirable to your recipient. I have never regifted ... or have I .. you'll never know.